Defensive rubber


Jj Bc
Jj Bc Asked 10 years ago

hi, i'm a beginner but I think I like defensive style... anyway, what kind of rubber should I use for defensive blade ? inverted and long pimples ? or inverted and short pimples ? or inverted and inverted ?

and can short pimples spin ? 

thnks, anyway

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Jj,

Long pimples are probably the rubber of choice for most advanced defenders on their backhand side.  To start with though you can learn to defend with normal rubber on both sides.  Get a slower rubber that has good control.  You may even use a thinner sponge to help with the control of the ball.  Short pimples tend to be used more for close to the table fast attacking play rather than defending because you can’t generate much spin with them and they don’t have any reversing effects of spin like the long pimples.

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Thoughts on this question

Jj Bc

Jj Bc Posted 10 years ago

thank you Alois.. :)

Siddharth Shah

Siddharth Shah Posted 10 years ago

Hi JJ,

if you are capable of getting good coaching and lessons, you can try out with phantom 008 or 009. Phantom can enhance your defensive skill but it will require proper coaching and practice.




D K Posted 9 years ago

So if I cannot defend with inverted,I cannot be good with longpips?

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 9 years ago

Did Joo Se Hyuk also uses long pips?


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