Long No Spin


mat huang
mat huang Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have been reading a lot of articles and table tennis books about the LONG no spin serve down to the middle being very effective.

I have no problem serving short no spin or the long topspin but I do not know how to serve the long no spin especially with disguise to make my opponent miss their return. 

Any advices?


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Mat,

The fast no spin will actually have a little bit of topspin on it because the ball will roll forward with the bounce.  Try to hit it flat and fusty hitting it straight behind the ball.  It can be a really effective serve when done well.

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Thoughts on this question

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 9 years ago

Indeed, if the ball must have no spin when it reaches your opponent's racket, you have to start by putting a little backspin on it, which will then be cancelled by the grip of the table and the forward momentum. Quite hard to do while trying to put a lot of speed in it.

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