Determine whether I loop or drive


Michael Elia
Michael Elia Asked 12 years ago

Hi coach I was confident and thought that I was looping the ball but when I watched some videos I see that there is a distinct rubber sound when player loop the ball so I became confused and I think that all this time I was driving.  Although I could lift chopped ball and my stroke had a very good arc.  Is it possible to do this (lift chopped ball & arc shape) with drive? By the way me Unidentified stroke has a slight side spin to it as well 

Thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Michael,

There are variations of all shots.  What you are doing is a topspin with a flatter contact.  The speed of the ball slowing down is what brings the ball down onto the table. With more topspin on the ball the ball will fall quicker onto the table.  With more topspin you can hit the ball faster because the force of the topspin will drag it down.

Don't be too worried about terminology.  They are just words used but the sport has more variations than that.

I would say your stroke is a half way shot as you described between a topspin and a drive.  It can be a good variation when you are attacking because there is less topspin the other player may hit the ball into the net.

As for the sidespin that will just be a slight variation i the angle of your bat as well by turning your wrist in.  Just adding another dimension to it all.  That's just another reason why Table Tennis is so much fun...

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Thoughts on this question

Michael Elia

Michael Elia Posted 12 years ago

So my stroke would be called a loop drive?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

I would call it a no spin topspin,

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