DHS Hurricane 3 Neo


Akshay N
Akshay N Asked 11 years ago

Sir, I have a doubt, some say DHS Hurricane 3 Neo is a slow rubber. I am about to buy it. Is this rubber nice? Sir I also want to know which blade is preferable for this rubber.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Akshay,

It is a good quality rubber.  I don't know which blades are suitable for it.  I think they all are.

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Thoughts on this question

Kyle Uy

Kyle Uy Posted 11 years ago

i'd say the DHS Hurricane III Neo is pretty fast

its nice and tacky, so it provides good spin

i use my hurricane III on a fast blade (Galaxy Yihne/Milkyway T-11+) so it works fine for me

it is my favourite rubber because when its paired with a fast blade, its shots are fast, and with the tacky surface, the loops turn a bit, so it makes it harder for my opponent 

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 3 years ago

I just purchased hurricane 3 neo provincial, and put it on my Butterfly viscaria blade. It's pretty darn slow. however this is expected, since many people say this rubber requires its user to use maximum effort both physically and technically. They say if you have the correct technique and good physical form, you can bring out the best of this rubber. This is the reason I bought this rubber in the first place, to force me practice the correct form in my game. 

What do you guys think?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 3 years ago

It has the ability for you to play strong with it so allow more time to adjust. 

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