DHS tg7 cp2 blade


saugat acharya
saugat acharya Asked 9 years ago

hey sir..... 

i want to knw the category of the dhs tg7 cp2 blade, in some website its written off+ nd in some site its written off- blade and want to know the exact speed rating of this blade. also plz suggest good rubber for offensive play for this blade.

tx sir

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Saugat,

Sorry, I don’t have any knowledge of this.  Hopefully our readers can help you out.

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Thoughts on this question

Gordon Hume

Gordon Hume Posted 9 years ago

Hi Saugat

This review might explain the rating discrepancy you mention.

The blade does seem quite expensive, so maybe consider a different Off+ from another manufacturer, rather than end up with something unexpectedly slower?

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