Warm up


Kourosh Sedehizadeh
Kourosh Sedehizadeh Asked 9 years ago

Dear Alois,

Thanks for your website.

What is the best way to warm up your wrist and shoulder and body in general. I feel some pain in my active wrist and wonder as I have a strong backhand i may have overdone it.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Kourosh,

Thanks for your kind words about the site.

The best way is to use some dynamic stretches such as rotating your arms and shoulders forwards and backwards.  do it s;only at first to get things moving.  You can also do this with the wrists.

For our Premium members we have a series of warm ups in our Training Secrets lessons.  If you are not a Premium member you can join by going to the My info link at the top right of the website.


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