Hi Jeff and Alois I have been playing table tennis for 2 years now and using the mark v rubber for 3 months. My forehand and backhand loops are on the table 95% of the time. Do you think an upgrade of forehand rubber to the Rakza 7 will be too much to handle or is the speed and spin difference not that high?
Hi Odysseas,
It sounds like you are playing well with the Mark V. Based on that I think if you feel like you need a faster rubber then go for it. The Rakza 7 would be a good next step.
Good luck!
Should you use a protective film to cover your rubber and add protection
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Odysseas Hatzopoulos Posted 7 years ago
Thank you very much. Do you recommend the Rakza 7 or the XIOM Vega Pro as the second is 10 euros cheaper in my country ?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago
Hi Odysseas,
They are both good quality rubbers. The Vega Pro is a good rubber and you are going to save some money so go for the Vega Pro.
Odysseas Hatzopoulos Posted 7 years ago
Thank you very much both. I'll make my purchase at the end of the month :)