Difference between the serves


Akhil Aseeja
Akhil Aseeja Asked 5 years ago

There are many types of serves but what are the difference between them. In any serve we can vary spin speed placement. We can vary every serve at any spin speed and placement. So,what is difference between them.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Akhil,

Different serves spin the ball in different ways.  Some players that you play like to receive particular serves and find others difficult.  You need to try to find those serves they struggle with.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Variation of Spin

Varying the spin on your serve makes it harder to return. You can vary the type of spin but possibly even more effective is varying the amount of spin.

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Thoughts on this question

Akhil Aseeja

Akhil Aseeja Posted 5 years ago

Can you give example  of different serves at different spins 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 5 years ago

Hi Akhil,

Take a look through our Serving and Receiving section of the site.  In there you will find a link to Must Learn Serves.  Start with these but then search that section and you will see a whole lot of ideas for serves and variations.



D K Posted 5 years ago

Akhil,your question looks like you asked something like "what is the effect difference between backspin pendulum and backspin tomahawk",is it what you intended to ask?

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