Different action service


Vishwa Kalra
Vishwa Kalra Asked 12 years ago

hey.. i have recently came through a player who was serving with extra movement with his racket... he firstly bring his bat from way back and it seems like he is doing a side spin serve with spinning to right side.. but then immediately he just do some different strange action and do a left spin serve...

he is basically doing some extra movement service with his wrists.....

how to do such kind of service ?

i want to learn.... i am a 14 year kid and preparing for my tournament which is very soon..... please help me ....!!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Vishwa,

To do this sort of serve you need to experiment during training.  The first thing to remember though is that you need to still have a good basic contact on the ball.  Start with your normal serve and just add a different movement before the actual swing at the ball.  Sometimes during training just have a bit of fun with it and see what strange actions you can do while serving.

It doesn't take much to put off your opponent by disguising the action.  It is just presenting a different picture for them to look at during the service.

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Thoughts on this question

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar Posted 12 years ago

well i think he is referring to the same type of serve that Zhang Jike uses - at first he positions himself for the pendulum and also moves for the pendulum...but as the ball comes lower he quickly does a reverse pendulum i think....so its a kind of "fooling" about the type of spin in the ball. I tried a lot but didnt work for me hehe

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