Ariel Hsing's backhand


JinMeng Lai
JinMeng Lai Asked 12 years ago


Below is the video link between ariel hsing and li xiaoxia.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi JinMeng,

This is a mix between a counterhit and a topspin.  Remember we often say that strokes are extensions of each other. The topspin and counterhit are the same stroke just extended and with a slightly different contact.  

This is an amazing stroke for Hsing because it is so consistent at a fast pace and able to keep Li Xiaoxia under control at times.

To play a backhand like this you are basically playing a topspin stroke but starting very high with your bat and coming forward on the ball.  You are brushing over the top of the ball very fast to generate a lot of spin

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Thoughts on this question

JinMeng Lai

JinMeng Lai Posted 12 years ago

Thank you..

What do you mean by extensions of each other? and what do you mean by "extended with a slightly different contact"? Could you elaborate further?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi JinMEng,

The topspin is an extension of the couterhit in so far as the stroke become a little longer.

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