Different types of Handles


Kunal Sethi
Kunal Sethi Asked 9 years ago

What is meant by type of handle as I am not familiar with it and how to know which type of handle I am using?




Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Kunal,

This is just the shape of the handle.  It doesn’t really make any difference to the performance of the bat but just how the bat feels in your hand.  Try the different handles and see which feels best for you.

ANAT - Anatomic.  This has a curved handle with a bump in the middle which fits into your hand.

CONC (FL) - Has a flare at the bottom of the handle

ST - Straight all the way down the handle.

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Thoughts on this question

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 9 years ago

CONC = Concave

Mark Jung

Mark Jung Posted 9 years ago

Note that CONC (FL) and FL are different. FL, or flared, is the handle you see most commonly. CONC (FL), or Conic, is significantly wider than a normal FL handle; it's also a bit uncommon.

It seems that defensive players (e.g. Joo Se Hyuk) play with straight handles, while offensive players tend to play with Flared handles. Maybe you can get a bigger chopping motion with straight or something, I'm not sure...

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