Does it matter which company ball you use?


Om Apshankar
Om Apshankar Asked 2 years ago

While I've been playing table tennis, I've noticed how different companies' balls impact my game. For example, MK had less spin than ProPenn and STIGA

Is there a reason why?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Om,

There are a lot of options out there with balls.  The company doesn't matter too much but more the quality of the ball that you buy.  The 3 Star balls are usually the better of them.  The better quality balls tend to be a bit harder as well as being more even in hardness and they are also round.  Some of the cheaper balls are soft and out of shape which means they don't fly or bounce evenly.

Take a look at the tutorial on Choosing a Table Tennis Ball for some ideas about choosing a good ball.


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Thoughts on this question

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 2 years ago

In my opinion, some brands produce better and higher quality balls than others. Like, I always prefer balls manufactured by DHS since DHS balls have been used in major table tennis tournaments for quite a long time. I've tried balls from other lesser-known brands, and they don't seem to have as good bounce as other bigger brands.

Om Apshankar

Om Apshankar Posted 2 years ago

Thank you for the response!

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