Doing and returning topspin


Haseeb Ansar
Haseeb Ansar Asked 7 years ago

how can i make my topspin effective with accuracy too and how can I return someone's topspin shot effectively other than block? If there is any rubber issue then guide me of a rubber that i can use I am already using Rakza soft fot it ? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Haseeb,

The rubber won't be the problem.

Focus on getting the start and finish positions correct with your topspin strokes.  These are the key factors initially.  If you get that right, you have a good chance to make the stroke accurate and effective.

To return a topspin, think about the block first but then you can add a little topspin on the block to get it more effective.  Don't try to do too much with it.  Just add a little topspin and then work up from there.

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