Dropping your hand on serve


rahul gupta
rahul gupta Asked 15 years ago


I want to ask that my opponent lifts the ball above his head and removes his hand quickly downwards and strikes the ball after it has fallen more than 6 inches, it is legal service.

Regrads, Rahul Gupta

Mumbal, India

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Rahul,

This is an illegal serve.  The rule says that the ball must be projected upwards.  He is not doing this, so it would be your point.

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How to Serve if You Have Limited Function in Your Non Playing Hand

In this video we will discuss some different ideas that you could use to help you serve if you have low or limited function in your non-playing hand. These include throwing the ball up with your dominant hand or throwing the ball up straight from your racket.

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