Effective service training


Matt M
Matt M Asked 9 years ago

Hi guys, how can I put time into good service training?, and more importantly how do I know if they are any good and that I am improving, when I serve against a player I can see how they cope with the spin and deception, but if I am practicing by myself how can I tell a good serve from a bad serve? I also have a good selection of serves should I practice them all in 1 session or separately?

Thanks :)


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Matt,

One good indicator is the flight of the ball when you are practising your serve alone.  It is really important to watch what the ball does after it bounces and where it goes.  So if you are trying to get good backspin, the ball should come back towards the net, even it is bouncing on the floor.  Therefore you need to take time to watch the ball for a few seconds after you have hit it, not just for one bounce and then serve the next ball.

Also tune into the feel on the bat on the ball.  You will start to notice wench you get a better feel on the contract by also watching the flight of the ball after you have hit it.

However, there is no substitute for then doing some serves against an opponent and seeing the reaction off their bats to you serve.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Backhand Tomahawk Serve

In this lesson we show you how to execute the Backhand Tomahawk serve. This is a good complement to the Tomahawk serve. By utilising a similar action, it will make it difficult for your opponent to tell which way the ball and spin are going.

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Thoughts on this question

Matt M

Matt M Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Alois


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