Elbow position for blocking


Marco Pastore
Marco Pastore Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois, Hi Jeff,

When i watch players when they are blocking shots, i see that many players are hiting the ball with an horizontal bat and a high elbow position, but also other players who block with a vertical bat and conseguently a low elbow position.

What is the correct position for raquet and elbow to do the block shot ?

Thanks a lot, and cheers.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Marco,

As you see it is possible to do either but I prefer the bat to be horizontal.  This allows you better flexibility with your shot to play a faster shot if the ball comes slower to you.  If you are in the vertical position with your elbow low you are locked in to play a block even if the ball comes slower.

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Thoughts on this question

Marco Pastore

Marco Pastore Posted 8 years ago

Thanks a lot Alois for the exaustive reply. 

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