Equipment question for the coaches


John Wampler
John Wampler Asked 11 years ago

This is more of a personal question for Alois and Jeff.

There's so much equipment and I see so many people trying out new things now and then. Did either of you ever succumb to any Equipment Junkie tendencies? How long did you experiment around before you found your setup? Or have you always remained pretty static as far as equipment goes?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi John,

I can say that I have not ever been an equipment junkie.  I have always relied on training more than equipment.

In the past there were not as many options out there either.  The manufacturers are really running amok now creating new variations that only serve to confuse players and get them to change rubbers more regularly.

I see way too many players getting fooled by this to the point where they lose total focus on what is important... training.

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