Exercises for the body


AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira
AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Asked 12 years ago


other than drills

what kind of exercises should i do to improve my game further? like doing push ups and etc

thx coach :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Amekun,

It is best if you go and see a professional.   If you go to a gym and get them to watch you and do a program they will be able to tailor it to suit you.  It is not possible for me to give you advice like that.

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Although attacking is the most popular style at the top level in Table Tennis, it is important to be able to defend well. If you choose to play a defensive style then you should be practicing these strokes all the time. If you play an attacking stroke then you should still try and find some time for these strokes. If you can win one extra point by defending well when pressured, it could make the difference between winning and losing.

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Thoughts on this question

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Posted 12 years ago

sry about that

ill go to the gym l8er

thx for the tip coach :)

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