Still cant beat opponents


Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar Asked 12 years ago

this thing really bothers me. my friends always win and i m the ultimate loser!! i cant even serve with any kind of spin.....but in the middle of a rally i can backspin only with my forehand. players who started playing about 2 months ago, they also beat me lol...though not in every game. but some other fellows who started learning from me are now better than me....they can give strange kinds of spin and they do lots of smashing. they even serve in such a way that i cant return it :P 

i know the basic strokes both forehand and backhand, but when i hit the ball with backhand it goes such high that the opponent can easily smash. i also sometimes play with my father. he haves problems with smashing but he gives so much spin to the ball, and in such a way that when it bounces on the table it doesnt look like a spin at all.....and when i hit the ball the spin does its magic!!

i cant do any kind of spin from the backhand stroke, but can do a little bit topspin & backspin using forehand. but thats easy to counter. i dont know how can i improve, and how to practice spins??

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Rahul,

Try to develop your serving and return of serve more.  This is something that comes easily to some players but it may take longer with the others.

If thy give you a backspin ball you can make a topspin.  Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.

Keep training with as many players as you can and really pay attention to returning spins.  Watch  where the ball goes when you hit them even if they go off the table.  This way you will start to record the changes that you need to make.

As difficult as it is, try to monitor your progress not so much by your results but more by what you can do.  Try to be able to do more and more and your skills will improve.  Results will come later.

Keep working hard and enjoying the game and you will keep improving.

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Thoughts on this question

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar Posted 12 years ago

<p><p><p>Thanks :) and Now I Learned To Serve With Spin but I need some more practice.  and I wanted to know that does my height haves any kind of impact on the game? I am shorter than most of my friends so that may be the reason that I can't give smash....I'm only 5 feet 5 inch and my friends are all above 5 feet 8 inch so maybe that could be the reason I think

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 12 years ago

Actually being short can be beneficial in table tennis because it is so important to stay low to the ball.  Of course tall people can play very well too, but they have to crouch extra low.  I've seen some 12 year olds smash balls with both power and precision so I don't think being 5'5" should be a problem.

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