Fast Backhand Serve


Ji-Soo Woo
Ji-Soo Woo Asked 14 years ago

Hi Alois

This year I am going to make a conscientious effort to improve my fast serves.  While my fast serves are currently rather inconsistent, I still have a basic idea of what I need to do for a fast serve cross court and down the line using the pendulum motion (including off a high toss). 

Off the backhand serve (from my backhand side), I actually have a pretty sneaky crosscourt fast serve to the opponents' backhand side (if they are right handed) which works really well against penholders.  People just don't seem to expect fast serves off the backhand serve.  However, I have a REALLY hard time doing a fast backhand serve down the line.  Every time I try it, it comes out at 70% of the pace that I expected and becomes easy to kill.  I know the basic idea (hit it low, make the first bounce close to my side) but it's like somehow the mechanics of hitting a backhand serve fast down the line escapes me.  Any advice?  Perhaps I need a video lesson.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Ji-Soo,

Try putting a target on the floor past the table.  Firstly try to hit that target.  This may free up your action.  It is usually a tension that will restrict this action.  By setting your target long, you may be able to solve the problem.  Give it a try and let me know.

Because the distance is shorter, you may be trying to be a bit more conservative to keep the ball on the table. 

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