Faster flick


Matthew Ho
Matthew Ho Asked 12 years ago

Hey there pingskills, I am using a Donic Ovtcharov Senso along with DHS Hurricane Neo 3 on my forehand and XIOM Omega IV Europe on my backhand.  I realized that when looping or flicking with my backhand it does not really generate any power as it goes around the middle of my opponent's table, how can I generate more power? Is this a good racket combination?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Matthew,

The combination is fine.

For the stroke try using your wrist more by relaxing it and allowing your bat to flow through faster.  This will mean the bat and the ball are travelling faster.

You can also aim to get the ball deeper on your opponent's side of the table so that you have more space to work with.  If the ball is landing short it has to be a slower stroke to dip onto the table.

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