FH Topspin action against backspin


Dep Dep
Dep Dep Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois / Jeff,

I have seen the video on FH/BH topspin against back spin they are absolutely amazing!!. particularly the way it has been explained stressing importance on 90D angle.

I have practiced that shot but I am not able to put into place frequently, I am ending up in doing a push on my BH side and FH topspin or FH counterattack/smash and I am failing on FH side to put FH/BH topspin against back spin.

How Do I induce that vertical motion into my action(any excercises) for lifting the backspin??. And I am applying this particular shot for balls which land on middle or just beyond middle of table but not on balls landing near white line.

Thank you very much,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Dep,

I think the best way to practice this is to get someone to feed you with backspin multiball.  This will give you plenty of chances to practice the shot.  Make sure you are getting the start and finish positions of the stroke correct.  The contact of the bat on the ball needs to be a brushing action to grip the ball and lift it over.

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Thoughts on this question

Dep Dep

Dep Dep Posted 12 years ago

Thank you very much Alois!! I'll practice and get back to you.

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