Finding players at my level


Jesse Dean
Jesse Dean Asked 8 years ago

I am thirteen years old and I've been playing table tennis ever since I first started school. Recently I've been looking up different strokes and serves and I've been practicing them with my grandpa and cousin. I win every game. My progess is going to slow down tremendously unless I found more experienced players. I called a Recreation center where I live and they said their group was only for seniors. Do I just quit? I'm not going to be able to bring my game to the next level. Please give me advice. Thank you!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Jesse,

The key is to find a club. Depending on which country you are in this could be easy or difficult.

Take a look at our last Ask the Coach Show where we talk about finding a club. From Garage To Club #270.

Quitting isn't the best option but following our direction with the lessons and then also finding a club will keep you improving.

Also consider teaching one of your family how to feed multi ball.  Take a look at our section on Multiball.  These will also help with your training.

Keep working hard on improving.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Activation Level

Learn why it's not always good to be super pumped up when playing a match. Finding the right "activation level" is the key to consistently playing at your peak level.

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Thoughts on this question

Jesse Dean

Jesse Dean Posted 8 years ago

Thank you so much!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Glad you liked it Jesse.

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