Flip backspin with short pimples?


Robert Sticha
Robert Sticha Asked 13 years ago


Pingskills is simply an incredible website and resource. You are to be congratulated!! 

I just started using short pimples on my back hand (802) and I'm wondering how to effectively flick backspin. Especially serves.

Is it basically the same technique as if you were using inverted as shown in your lessons? 

Thanks for your help! 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your praise.

THe technique for flicking with short pimples is that you don't need as much lift because the spin of the serve won't have as much effect on the pimples.  You can hit the flick a little flatter and perhaps faster.

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