Float return


Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson Asked 12 years ago

Hello guys! I'm having trouble with balls normally returned by a defender when they are floating the ball. For example I will open with a top spin and the ball is coming back with not much spin and I will normally hit the ball long off the table when I attempt to drive the ball (the height of the ball is fairly low, so it's not easy to smash). I like to play with spin but struggle when I have to play a shot without spinning the ball. It's not so much reading the spin but more with the technique needed to play this shot. Thanks!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Adam,

This is an awkward ball for a lot of players.  Make sure you play with topspin still but get the start position of your bat higher and come more forward on the ball.  You could almost think of it as playing a topspin against block.

The problem is making the small adjustment in the forehand stroke.  I often find that if the player plays the fist ball with their backhand the next float ball on the forehand is easier.

If you think of it as an isolated ball as it comes to you, rather than the next ball after a backspin ball, it may help you to adjust better.

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