Focus on placement


ker Gordon
ker Gordon Asked 11 years ago

Hi Pingskills i have a serious problem focusing during a match.The problem is my ball placememt  during a match i know where to place the ball  but dont think and as a result lossed a big game.In this game i had to force the pace into the Bh.but stupidly keep puting him wide to forehand  and the bal went flying pass me every time.It like an automatic reaction. someone plays Bh to BH i always feel under pressure to change the placement.I was so frustated as i keep on endless doing the same thing 

so any tips to Focusing on ball placement

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Cameron,

It is a matter of practicing this in training.  When you are doing your drills, try to focus on your placement for each shot in training.

This will help you to be more focused in a match situation as well.

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ker Gordon

ker Gordon Posted 11 years ago

k thanks

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