Hey all!, Today i don't know why I had a good footwork and i felt very nice playing, but I want more.
Im a low stature person, so I need to move a lot to get in right position, I have two problems with footwork.
Slow: Sometimes I feel very fast but the most of time I feel I have a slow legs, my hand and my body is fast but slow legs, could you recomend me some exercise or something out of the table to get a faster legs?, or I just can practice it with drills in the table? Could be jump rope a good exercise?
My another problem is a bad footwork, with backhand I usually have a good footwork, my problem is with my forehand, when the ball is a bit away from me in the right wide, I know i should do a shuffle step and i could catch if nice, but I cant correct my mistake, when I want to hit that ball i wait in the position and I do a "jump" to catch it, and of course I fail the 90% of that balls and i get out of balance, cause if i jump im not down to do a down-up motion (to do topspin) and I dont catch the ball with the bat cause it is lower, I know what I should do but it's hard for me correct my mistakes with footwork, cause im thinking about ball and bat not about legs. But i keep doing it and dont know how to correct it.
Thanks for all and keep working you do a excellent work.
Hi Francisco,
To improve leg speed you need strength as well. If you can go to a gym and seek some professional advice about it. They will give you exercises to increase strength.
You can also do a lot of footwork drills. Start by doing them slowly and then increase the speed once you feel you are moving comfortably. You can see a lot of different drill that you can tackle in our free download of drill. Take a look at Training Drills. If you need more explanation on how to do them or the benefits of each drill you can purchase our DVD designed exactly for this. Our Training Secrets Revealed DVD shows you all of the drills and explains what each of them is useful for.
When you are doing the footwork movement in training always think "Move, Stop Hit". You will notice the hit is the last part of the action. Do all of the drills slowly with this in mind and then you will start to get the right movement happening.
This lesson teaches you an easy method for improving your serving and your short game. By using a few props you can easily setup a piece of string as a guide which helps you focus on keeping the ball low.
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