Lifting backspin


Shripathi ramakrishnan
Shripathi ramakrishnan Asked 13 years ago

hi alois and jeff, 

a new player today had a very peculiar push... his finger was stretched out completely on his bh side went under the ball in a jabbing motion. im pretty sure his stroke and grip wouldnt allow him to get much backspin on the ball, but i didnt get a solid shot against his push. also i was too tense. can suggest how i can overcome tension during/before matches and how i can get a decent loop/loop drive against his push?

also please advice me on how i can throw him off balance as he come from the side and brush the ball as shown in ur videos.

thanks coaches.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shripathi,

To overcome tension you need to have a strategy to calm yourself during a match.  It could be as simple as a deep breath.

This is a complex issue but if you take a look through our previous questions in the Mental Preparation category you will find a lot of suggestions.

It is really important when you are lifting a heavy backspin ball that you remain relaxed.  Think about the process of the Forehand Loop Off Backspin stroke that we describe in our lessons. If you are making the stroke correctly you will have good success.

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