Forehand looping technique


Andrew Pape
Andrew Pape Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

Problem: playing close to table for quick-hit b/hands seems to ruin f/hand loop development.

I win mostly from speed. I'm a backhand-oriented player, staying close to the table, hitting b/hand balls  on the rise to give the opponent no time. I can easily b/hand loop if I play a chopper. But the f/hand is a problem. I start with left foot leading to set up for a f/hand topspin, but when I move a across to play a f/hand, I end up front on. I've watched world-class women's matches (slow-motions) , and noticed that they play similarly: usually close to the table, moving sideways, hitting forehands front on, and playing with more speed than spin.

Playing close to the table gives me less time to play a strong f/hand, and I can't get the whole body into the shot, so I'm not getting much spin. I've got a complex about not getting enough spin because my practice partner and others tell me how surprised they are when they block my loops into the net, after I've made such a big effort!

I'm suffering analysis/paralysis. A coach told me that TT isn't about having the biggest loop and books have said it's the gluing together of strokes that's important, not individual stroke production. Maybe I should be happy with playing the way I am (with more of a topspin-drive than a loop). If I could play like many of the top women, I wouldn't complain!

Should I try to concentrate on my strengths rather than be negative from worrying about weaknesses? Overall, I'm still strong both sides, but just lack a big f/hand loop. Maybe a short-and-sharp f/hand stroke would work?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Andrew,

I think you are thinking the right way.  Develop the game you have.  It seems you are good with the close to the table fast game so work on that.  You don't have to produce a great deal of spin on your forehands if they are fast and effective.

The fact that your opponents are missing the returns is probably a good thing. 

You are right, if we could all play as well as the top women we would be doing well in our local leagues!

Develop your strengths. 

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Thoughts on this question

Andrew Pape

Andrew Pape Posted 13 years ago

Thanks Alois. I find the mental side of TT is extremely important, and you've put my mind to rest. I'm sure to be more positive with my game now.

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