

GlemerDave Madrigal
GlemerDave Madrigal Asked 13 years ago


Can you please give more or teach about Penhold Techniques coz i can improve my career as a penholder 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago


We have a lesson on using the Penhold grip in our Youtube channel.  You can access it by going to Penhold Techniques for Table Tennis.

This should give you a few tips for your penhold play.  Most techniques will be the same as for shakehand players. 

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The Finish Position

There are 3 basic areas to focus on when learning a stroke: 1) The position of your feet. 2) The starting position of your bat. 3) The finishing position of your bat. Of all these 3 elements the finish position is the most critical. Watch this video to find out why.

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