Forehand stroke


Eileen Lucas
Eileen Lucas Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois 

Im trying to improve my forehand serve so that I can get the ball on the table exactly where I want it to go. The problem is that I seem to stop my stroke short and don't follow through. If I do extend my stroke I find that I am swinging my arm more towards the left side of my neck and not where you demonstrate on your video please can you tell me what I am doing wrong everybody is telling me something different and it is getting very frustrating so much so that I feel like giving up. Please help.

Kind regards

Eileen Lucas

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Eileen,

Just focus on the finish position of your bat to start with.

Do this exclusively for the next session.  After that put some targets on the table where you want the ball to land and then focus on still finishing in the correct position with your bat and see how close to the target you can get the ball.

Let me know how this goes.

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