Forehand topspin


Richard Sanderson
Richard Sanderson Asked 9 years ago

Hi Pingskills,

I have a habit of hooking, while sometimes good I'm trying to get the ball to dip more instead of curving so I have more variation. I'm aware that I should keep my wrist up and stop dropping it, but should I also think more about the backswing? Maybe not drop my arm down as much and make it more horizontal if you understand what I mean?

Should I also brush slightly on top/back of the ball? It's quite difficult to see the contact points in videos as it goes so fast.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Richard,

You have the right principles.  I think having a shorter backswing initially will also help.  I find that when players have a bigger backswing and it starts around behind them, the balls starts to curve more.

Try to hit right up the back of the ball.  Videoing yourself will help if you haven't done that already.

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Thoughts on this question

Richard Sanderson

Richard Sanderson Posted 9 years ago

Hi Alois,

I think you're right my backswing has been behind my body and often below my knees, sometimes because of this the back swing has been too big so I'd make up for it by taking the ball later and contacting around the ball. So it hasn't necessarily been the hooking but maybe the backswing causing me to hook which has been the main issue..

Thanks for your help Alois :)


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

No problems.  Have a go at it and let me know if the stroke changes.

Richard Sanderson

Richard Sanderson Posted 9 years ago

Did some drills while a coach was watching me earlier and he said it looked ok, but I still feel like there's a slight curve, when I'm out of position I am definitely hooking more so I suppose better footwork is the key at the moment and being conscious about not dropping the wrist.

I also tend to do it when I don't have much time, shortened backswing definitely seemed to have made an improvement though, thank you :)


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Good one.  Your best feedback is how the ball is flying.

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