I want to be a chopper


kemal tas
kemal tas Asked 9 years ago

Hello. I started table tennis last year. I have 20 hours training time in a week. I have forehand-backhand drive, forehand-backhand chop and forehand topspin. I used Andro csV off blade and yasaka mark v 1.5. I want to be a chopper like Joo Sae Hyuk :) What is your advice coach.

Kemal 16 

From Turkey

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Kemal,

If that is the style that you would like to play then you should pursue it.  It is a fun way to play the game and also very entertaining to watch.

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Tactics Against A Blocker

A blocker tends to use your pace to try and out position you. Counter this by varying your spin, speed and placement.

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Thoughts on this question

kemal tas

kemal tas Posted 9 years ago

Thank your for answering. I know that. I need a defensive blade and rubber for beginnig. What is your advice? 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

I don't have a specific recommendation for blades and rubbers but something slower with more spin will be good.

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