Forehand topspin problem


eugene lu
eugene lu Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have a problem with my forehand topspin. well it's not really a problem about the stroke. I'm doing in really well during my training. I train the forehand topspin with my partner, He block, I topspin. And my coach also say I'm really good at it. I put a lot of topspin and speed on the stroke , sometimes even my coach can't return it. 

I'm pretty sure I did everything you taught me on the forehand topspin against block video. Start with your feet nice and wide apart and knees slightly bent, start you bat at knee height and finish at eyebrow height with your arm in a 90° angle. I did all of these steps correctly in my training.

My problem is during a match. It doesn't seem to work in my matches, is not as powerful. My problem is:

1.missing the ball

2.hitting the net

3. Finish position across my shoulder

It seems like I have forgotten how to do the whole stroke. And why do I do it so well during My training and so awful in my matches. It's causing me to lose a lot of points. Can you help me?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Eugene,

It may be that you are able to do the stroke when you know where the ball is but when the ball is going to anywhere on the table it is more difficult.

In training do some more drills where you don’t know where the ball is going and see if this helps.

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There is a lot more to a successful lob than simply getting the ball back on the table. Watch this lesson to learn how to improve your chances of winning the point when forced back from the table.

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Thoughts on this question

eugene lu

eugene lu Posted 9 years ago

What kind of drills? Any tips?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

If you take a look at the free download of Training Drills , in there you will find a page of Random Drills.  Things like get your training partner to block the ball to you anywhere on the forehand half of the table and you forehand topspin it back to their backhand corner only.

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