Forehand Topspin Start Positions


Tomas Mac Donncha
Tomas Mac Donncha Asked 7 years ago

Hi Jeff and Alois,

I have been playing for a few years, and while I've had some coaching, I'm still a bit confused as to how the start position of the forehand topspin stroke may change due to distance from the table as well as the spin the opponent has put on the ball. I don't yet have a full understanding on how the forehand topspin works in all these various situations. Do you think you could give me some basic tenets, and maybe a drill to practice this?

I have practiced forehand topspin against block a lot, and can perform this shot in games. But, I have trouble counter topspinning an opponent's ball.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Tomas,

The further from the table and the slower the ball coming to you, the bigger the swing you can take.

The faster it comes and the closer you are the smaller your swing needs to be.

For the counter topspin you need to shorten your swing because you are close to the table usually and the ball is usually coming in fast.

Hope this helps.

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Thoughts on this question

Tomas Mac Donncha

Tomas Mac Donncha Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Alois; this helps.

Today I trained and concentrated a lot on switching drills as well as random drills; I haven't focused on these aspects much in the past. All I can do is move forward from here.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Great.  Let me know your progress.

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