Forward spin serve


Joshua Escalada
Joshua Escalada Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff, do you know how to make a forward spin fast serve?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Joshua,

To get a topspin serve you need to brush the ball either upwards or forward over the top of the ball.  Use your wrist and try to brush the ball very finely.

Topspin serves can be dangerous though.  You are better to try and practice backspin serves first because they are harder for your opponent to attack.

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Variation of Speed

Varying the speed is different from varying the length. You can have a fast short serve and a slow short serve. You can also have a fast long serve and a slow long serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Joshua Escalada

Joshua Escalada Posted 12 years ago

Thank you but I still don't get it. Sorry

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

You need to get the ball rotating forward.  You can do this either by brushing the ball upwards on the back or brushing over the top of the ball.  Both of these will be getting the ball to rotate with topspin.

This can be difficult to understand without a video.  We have made a special DVD on Serving Secrets which is a course available to our Premium members.  You can also purchase the DVD at a very reduced price at the moment by going to our Store and checking out the Table Tennis DVDs Runout Sale.

Joshua Escalada

Joshua Escalada Posted 12 years ago

Ok, I get it now, thank you!

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