Game Problem


sina abolhoseini
sina abolhoseini Asked 14 years ago


I don't have problem with nervous or  hesitation or fear. I know the strategies and Techniques but I don't know how to use it, or when.I don't know even where should I topspin or smash. In backhand or Forehand. I don't know how to play with different players. Once one of our national team members told me that the problem is my style. He said you are playing a good style and when I'm playing with you I'm very comfortable because you topspins have good spin and I can do everything with it. But I don't agree with him. Please help me with that.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Sina,

This is something that youwill be able to solve with some thinking.  It is important to firstly work ou how you win points in a game.  for example, it may be with your forehand topspin.  Then you need to work out a strategy around how you can get to that.  Fo rexample if your best winning stroke is a forehand topspin, then you need to find a way to get your opponentb to give you a long ball that you can topspin. 

Next you need to work out for each of your opponents what strategies you need to work on to win points.  This may be quite different for each player.

A really useful tool is The PingSkills Vault.  You can try it for free by just sigining up as a free member.  Then you can imput the data that you need for a couple of your opponents.  You can also put in your match results against your opponents so you can keep a track of your progress.  Then you can record your training sessions and record what your focus for each session is.  In this way you can strart to improve the things that are going to help you to beat an opponent.

Shortly in the Members Video Zone we will have a lesson on match strategies.  To access the Video Zone all you need to do is become a Premium member.  This is only $10 a month at the moment.  If you sign up now that price will be available for the life of your membership.

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