Getting depressed at last points

Mental Preparation

satvik patel
satvik patel Asked 6 years ago

at the end of the set ,  when it's 8-9 , 9-9 or deuce , i really get nervous or depressed ,  i don't really know , but i do something foolish that i lose a match . how to keep yourself calm when it's crowded and it's at the end points of the set?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Satvik,

This is an interesting time fo the match.  Many players will start to get nervous at that stage.  The first thing is to recognise that feeling of nerves.  Take a look at this tutorial we have in our Sports Psychology section on how to Recognise Your Feelings.

Some things you can do if you are feeling nervous is to take a deep breath, do a pre point routine that you have developed over time or find other ways to get your emotional level a bit lower.

Take a look through the Sports Psychology for some more ideas.



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