Forehand flick or forehand drive


Shalibu Lacoga Shalibu Lacoga
Shalibu Lacoga Shalibu Lacoga Asked 6 years ago

Melayani serves pendek (back,side,topspin) yang cepat jatuh sebelah kanan meja .terima kasih

Should I use a Forehand flick or forehand drive is the server serves short (back, side, topspin) which quickly falls to the right of the table.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Shalibu,

If the serve is short and the second bounce is on the table then use the flick rather than the topspin. However, if the ball falls off the table on the second bounce then use the topspin.  You will need to move around the table to get this to happen.  Let the ball fall off the side and then pick it up with a topspin stroke.

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