Getting noticed


Alex Horscroft
Alex Horscroft Asked 13 years ago

Hi, me and my bro are dedicated to table tennis we play at least 5 days a week for 2 hours, most of the time we play up to 13hrs. We have been improving our weaknesses, and serve combinations, and we believe we are ready. But how do we get noticed, the suffolk tt association is close to folding, so there wont be any competitions, we want to enter a league but there is another player who wants to join as well, and we would get promoted as a team, or relegated as a tem, if we entered the league. The main problem is that the player is so bad, even if we win all our matches, we wont go up because he will lose all his matches. What do we do!!??

any ideas would be very helpful

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Alex,

That is tricky.  Perhaps you could speak to the organisers of the competition and see if they have an answer for you.  YOu may also have to bite the bullet and speak to the third team member.  They may just understand your situation.

It is great that you are able to train regularly.  That is definitely the key to improvement. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Getting Your Tomahawk Serves Low

We show you how to get those Tomahawk serve low to make them more effective and harder to attack.

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