Getting the ball past good defenders


Devin Hirsch
Devin Hirsch Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois,

Just wanted to ask your advice on something. I told you that I entered a club, and that I can't win many games. One of the reasons that I can't, is because I just can't get the ball past a lot of them. I have been working on my forehand topspin and other strokes, but my opponent seems to just keep getting it back on the table. If you have any tips for me on getting the point against really good defensive players, and for that matter improving my defense as well, then I would be absolutely delighted to hear it.     

Thanks as always,  Devin

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Devin,

Try a few things.  Try to place the ball well.  Vary where on the table you are hitting your forehand topspins.

The other thing you can think about is, if you feel your stroke has good technique, then play it faster.  Make sure though that you are maintaining the technique when you are speeding it up.

For improving your defence, watch the ball carefully and work on the Backhand Block and Forehand Block strokes.

Hopefully this helps.

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Thoughts on this question

ujjval verma

ujjval verma Posted 9 years ago

Try to avoid looping and topspining every ball... do some chops, pushes and then hitting when you are in position. mix short and long balls, chop and loop, give dead short serve or fast straight serve... like that. Idea is when you topspin the ball too much, defensive player starts getting comfortable; so keep the dilemma alive and take up this challenge unless you are Ma long :)


just as Alois says... learn to block as well... that's a very important point actually !!!

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