Ghost Serve


Stephen Unknown
Stephen Unknown Asked 16 years ago

I've seen on youtube about Ma Lin's ghost serve and I've been wondering if you guys can do it and show a tutorial to do it?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Stephen,

We will try to get to that one.  Basically it is a heavy backspin serve.  The backspin stops the ball and makes it come back towards the net.

You will see the ball travels reasonably slowly for this to get the effect of the ball coming back.  If there is too much forward momentum the ball will go off the table before it has time to spin back.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Ma Lin Ghost Serve

Ma Lin does an incredible serve that comes back towards the net. We show you the simple way you an learn to do this as well.

Watch Now

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