Good in Practice, Not so Good in Matches


Niteen Talavdekar
Niteen Talavdekar Asked 11 years ago


I am learning Table Tennis since last One & half year.

While doing practice drills, i feel very comfortable and do well with my footwork close to table.

But, while playing in tournaments with stronger players who are playing for 15/20 years, my mind just gets blocked and I don't understand where to move. Hence many a times fails to reach the ball or mistimes while hitting.

Please Guide.

And I really want to thank you for making this website. In short span of TT career I managed to win with players playing for more than 10 years. I truly give credit to practice videos provided by you. They are very useful.

warm Regards,

Niteen talavdekar

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Niteen,

This is a normal transition period from training to matches.  It always takes longer to be able to play the same things in matches that you can play in training.

In training, try to do some more practice where you don't know where the ball is going like in a match.

Thanks for the kind words about the site.  It is great to hear that it is helpful.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Developing Control

In this training session you'll develop your control over the ball using some off table exercises, then progress through to performing a consistency challenge to see how many balls you can hit on in a row.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Niteen Talavdekar

Niteen Talavdekar Posted 11 years ago

Thank you very much sir. 

I will surely implement the method as guided by you. 

Warm Regards, 

Niteen Talavdekar

mat huang

mat huang Posted 11 years ago

Same with me!

1) Practice serves and receives: always start off with one of these

2) If the multiball you're doing a set, try random ones

3) tatics are important because you might not be good because your opponent might be using some tatics to attack your weakness

Hope it helps

Andrew Malone

Andrew Malone Posted 11 years ago

Same here too!!

I destroy opponents in practice that I lose to in a match.

My FH dominates and my BH stinks and I am aggressive in practice, but in a match I hardly ever smash and my BH stops stinking and my FH starts stinking!!

Is there any way I can fix this?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Andrew,

Try to feel what is happening with your forehand in a match.  Often tension develops in the shoulder that doesn't allow yo to swing through properly.  That is why the backhand becomes easier because you can play it more consistently by just poking at the ball.

Try to feel the differences between your forehand in practice and in matches.

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