Good Rubbers


Elliott Mascart
Elliott Mascart Asked 13 years ago

hi im a beginner table tennis player and dont play for a club or do training but am looking for a place. i play a lot on my family table in my back garden and have been looking at your videos and trying to practice the tips you give.

i am lookng for some decent rubbers to up my game a little bit and wondering if you could maybe give me some recomendations for a faily cheap but good rubbers.

Thanks in advanced. have been loving your videos so thanks for them as well :D

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Elliott,

You may be better off getting a pre made bat t start with depending on how much you want to spend.  You can get a good pre made bat like the PingSkills Rook. This will give you good control but still allow you to develop your game with topspin.

The next step after that would be to get a custom bat.  The first Custom Table Tennis Bats we recommend is the Touch with Mark V rubber.

As long as you have something that is of reasonable quality that you will be able to spin the ball with you can then work hard on your game. 

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When choosing a net look for one with a good clamp, an adjustable height mechanism, and a way to tension the net.

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Elliott Mascart

Elliott Mascart Posted 13 years ago

thankyou :)

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