Grading system for Table Tennis


John Tuiasosopo
John Tuiasosopo Asked 7 years ago


I am a part owner of a table tennis club in the US.  We have 16 tables and over 200 members.  We are trying to create a 5 level system to mimic martial arts colored belts.  I think this is important for kids and adults to have a goal of achieving certain levels.  The lowest level would be beginner and the top something around or over a 2000 rating.  What would be the best way to create benchmarks of skills a TT player should have in order to achieve the next level.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.   

Best regards,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi John,

I think this is an interesting concept.

The ultimate test in Table Tennis is your results in a math and these are often reflected in the rating system, as long as the rating system is reasonable.  So the levels could be based purely on the rating system.

You could make the levels skill based only.  You could base it on consistency of strokes, how any you can do in a row or on their ability to show a correct technique, like a Kata in martial arts.  You could also get them to do set patterns of strokes like a drill and see how well they can do this.  All of these would need to be done with an instructor so that the ball going to them is consistent for you to grade them.

Perhaps our readers have some other ideas as well.

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Thoughts on this question

John Tuiasosopo

John Tuiasosopo Posted 7 years ago

Thanks.  That is what I was thinking as well.  We may be using our club league ratings to be included.  Just trying to develop what benchmarks constitute moving up to the next level.  I appreciate all your help.  Take care.



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