Guide to buying blades and rubbers


Ethan Unknown
Ethan Unknown Asked 16 years ago

I want to get a decent setup and was wondering whether there are any guides or good online shops to buy them from. I am not a great player but I play with a chopping style so i'm guessing I want something with a lot of control? I'm not too sure, so I just want an idea of whether I want a slow/fast, high spin/low spin paddle?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Ethan,

Finding the right equiment is always a struggle.  At PingSkills we are going to try to select a range of equipment that we can recommend.  Of course it will not be the definitive list of what is good, but things that we can recommend confidently.

We will try to have this up in the next month.

For you, I would recommend a slow paddle as you are primarily defensive.  If you are a defensive defender, that is just get the ball back, I would go for a control type rubber as well.  If you are more of an aggressive chopper, get a rubber with good spin.  Something with a grippy surface.

I hope this helps. 

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