Heavy Backspin Service


Tua  Rajguru Unknown
Tua Rajguru Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Sir ,  I   am  from  India  .I  want  to  ask  a  quetion  about a Table  Tennis  Service  .I  want  to  ask  that  how  to  do  or  practice  that  type  of  a  heavy  Backspin Service  which  after  serving  came  back  deeply  into  my   opponents  net  after  bouncing  in  opponents  court  even  without  touching it .     So  ,  Sir  I  suppose  that  you  will  give  advice  to  me  about  it  .  Thankyou

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Tua,

To do a heavy backspin serve you need to brush at the bottom of the ball.  The contact needs to be a brushing action like you are making a wheel spin around.  The faster you can make the contact the more spin you will get.

We cover this serve and how to get spin on the ball in our DVD Serving Secrets Revealed.  You should try to get a copy of it thorugh our website.  I am sure it will help you.


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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Returning a Heavy Backspin Serve

A lot of players will serve to you with heavy backspin. In this video we show you how to return this effectively.

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