Heavy topspin ball


Jeremi Kuźniacki
Jeremi Kuźniacki Asked 13 years ago

I have got a question exactly how should I brush the ball for getting high stroke with really heavy rotation from forehand topspin loop. Ball should escape to air after rebound on opponent's opened racket.

I would be very grateful if you could explain me or better make a tutorial video how to put massive rotation on the ball.

Thank you in advance.
I'm looking forward to your response

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Jeremi,

To get a lot of spin on the loop you need to have a fast contact on the ball.  You also need to have a quite vertical stroke so that the ball doesn't fly off the end of the table.  The combination os slower speed and heavy topspin will be effective.  It will see your opponent having problems blocking the ball down onto the table.

Also take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Loop Off Backspin.  This is the sort of stroke you are aiming for. 

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