Help required He Zhi Wen ,style and equipment


m-mehdi mojaver
m-mehdi mojaver Asked 11 years ago

hi. sorry for my english language. i am a short pimple player, blocker, counter hitter & etc... (shake hander) but i want to change my style.

i want to be like he zhi wen, and my question is, what are he zhi wen equipments?

and what rubber & blade specifications, i need?? 


what short pimple rubber specifications?

what sponge thikness?


what cs penhold blade?

soft or hard?

wood or composite?

fast or slow?

what thickness blade?

how many layers?

thank u very much for your answers.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago


I don’t know what He Zhi Wen uses but other readers may be able to help you.

I would say that you need to use a short pimple with 2mm or 2.2m thickness.

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Thoughts on this question

m-mehdi mojaver

m-mehdi mojaver Posted 11 years ago

i think he uses friendship 802 short pips rubber, but i am not sure.

what about blade? what specifications my blade must have?

do you have a choice (penhold blade) for me?

i think butterfly primorac (cs penhold) is ok for this style & blocking close to table,

what is your idea??? 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

You could try the PingSkills Touch Penhold.

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