Help with table tennis racket


Oh Jia Jun
Oh Jia Jun Asked 12 years ago

Dear PingSkills,

I have a question.

I have bought a table tennis racket for a competition. The rules of the competition is:

" The tournament shall be run in accordance with the latest rules & regulations of ITTF. For more information, please refer to 

the ITTF website:"

For the racket, it has the ITTF logo, but it is not shown on the ITTF website which will show which rackets is allowed. May I know if my racket is allowed?

My racket is RICHMORAL made in china.

Please help me and thanks a lot.


Oh Jia Jun

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago


I don't know of this racket.  It needs to have the ITTF stamp on the rubber if it is approved.  Look on the rubber for this stamp.  If it is on there then there is a chance it will be approved.  You would still need to check.  If it doesn't have the stamp on it then it will not be approved. 

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